We are pleased to announce that great progress has been made this week. Despite the rain, the last of the bricks have been laid. And inside, laughing at the rain, the plaster has been hung on the roof and the walls. What a difference it all makes! The biggest difference is you can get a real feel for the size of the place, and I couldn't be happier. Slight delay with the plastering as the insulating team had forgotten a couple of internal walls... no matter, it gave us a chance to add some in a couple of other walls we should have put it in as well. Enough rambling, on with the pictures!
(Click image for larger view)
The front of the house has all it's bricks, window sills and all. I am eager to see the roof gables filled in, then it might start to look liveable. (Though the builders rubble might have to go as well.)
Family room / verandah brickwork. Slight drama here... the plasterer wont put the plaster on the roof as it is over safe working height without proper scaffolding (and no concrete floor)... not sure what the builder is going to do.
Back brickwork all done... on a roll!
And down the blind side back to the garage.... All bricks done! Yay! Of course the downside is that I am sure we will get the invoice for lock-up stage this week, but it had to happen sooner or later, and in one way, sooner is better; yes?
Here is our main bedroom. Nice and light. Any suggestions for window coverings to make sure the light doesn't get into the over-bed window until we want it to?
Here's the plaster in the family room - the alcove where the TV will go, looking out the window to where the deck will go.
Looking back from the window to the other alcove in the family room - we made this bigger than the one in the display, can you tell?
Looking down the family room. You can see (from left to right), the fridge alcove, the door to the rumpus, door to the walk in pantry, the two openings for the study nook (through which you can see the opening to bedroom 4), bedroom hallway entry (and through that the laundry entry), and the family room alcove... phew.
The rumpus, where we plan for our little girls to play... of course where they actually do play will most likely be an entirely different matter... has anyone had a three year old do what they were told?
And the laundry, ok not the most glamorous, but I like the sliding door, should make being in the laundry as nice as possible.