Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bats in the belfry

Things are progressing. Most significant is the addition of insulation to the walls...

(Click image for larger view)
... and, as I said in the belfry... ok, roof space. Awaiting the plaster I presume.
This is how the bats hang out around france.
The sound insulation for the bedroom - looking back from the french doors.
Here's where my wife will spend most of her time... once the Kitchen cabinets and bits and pieces goes in of course.
Here's where my wife would like to spend most of her time - just her and some bubbles (not bathing the kiddly-winks).
Oh yeah, and some more of the bricking has been done too! The front is pretty much complete - just the window sills to be done.
More done around the side... for some reason the kitchen window sill has been done. I wonder if that is because they wanted to unwrap the kitchen window?
The view from the back corner of the block.
The back and blind-side are not as progressed as the rest - but hey progress is progress.


Debra said...

Progressing least you won't have to worry about rain holding up work.
All the fun bits inside to come.

Trace and Nath said...

Nice pictures and your house looks like it has great proportions. The next bit of the build is long and once the gib goes up it feels like you are suck in a time warp for ages waiting to see fittings and fixtures go in...or was that just us.

Lou and Neen said...

Coming along at great speed. It just gets better and better!